Feelin’ Hot, Hot, Hot

Like the rest of the country, we’ve had record breaking heat this summer in Hawaii. It’s reached 90-91degrees, and I realize that compared to places that break 100, that may not sound that bad, but add humidity that is in the mid-70s onto that and zero trade winds, and it makes for pretty nasty weather.

After a long day, I loaded the kids into the car to run a quick errand. As I was buckling Parker’s seatbelt, he pressed his face into my collarbone–not so unusual for my usually affectionate boy. He suddenly leaned back and said, “Yuck.”

“What?” I asked.

“You smell gross.”

I think four is a good age to start reminding my child that I was in labor with him for thirty-six hours followed by a C-section to bring him into the world, don’t you?

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