Time for Slime!

With Halloween around the corner, it seems like an appropriate time of year for DIY slime! This is my favorite recipe for young children because this slime has the consistency of silly putty, so it is firmer, peels off of things easier and is just generally a little less messy. Children enjoy stretching, breaking and molding it while engaging in tactile learning. Older children can make this with the help of parents, but a parent should make the product for his/her young child.

Supply List:
Elmer’s white glueboraxsupplies
warm water
Borax soap
food coloring
two bowls
measuring cup
measuring spoon

In one bowl, combine 1cup of warm water (this is the equivalent of two 4oz bottles), 3/4cup warm water and desired food coloring. Mix thoroughly with spatula.

In a second bowl, combine 2tsp Borax soap and 3/4cup warm water and mix until soap dissolves.

Combine both bowls together and mix with hands. The “slime” will start to form immediately. Any excess water can be poured off.

slimeThe slime can be stored up to a month in a Ziploc bag or airtight container in the refrigerator.

*Note: This product is safe to play with, but should NOT be consumed, so please supervise your child’s play.

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